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Terms & Conditions


Contractual Definitions

“Customer”: either a Consumer or a Professional, depending on the case.

"Website": the website

“Product”: item on the Website.

“Order”: any offer the Customer presents to TACHO HELLAS regarding the purchase of one or more Products.

“User”: anyone who navigates to the Website.


The company TACHO HELLAS, which is based in Thessaloniki, at Pontou and side road of Egnatia Street and particularly in Kalochori district, welcomes you to its website

By visiting the website you unreservedly accept the terms and conditions below, which concern the website.

Visitors are requested to read these terms carefully before using the website. If they do not agree, then they must avoid using the services and transactions it offers. The use of the website means unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions. TACHO HELLAS reserves the right to modify and revise the terms of use.

The site is always accessible, except for the cases of force majeure, IT difficulties, difficulties related to telecommunication networks or technical difficulties.

TACHO HELLAS may interrupt access to the website for maintenance purposes and shall try to give users prior notice of the dates and times of such maintenance.

For the best experience on the site, users are advised to use new or recently purchased equipment and an updated next-generation browser. The Sales Agreement concluded on the website is concluded online.

To have access to the complete website’s operation, including prices, the customer must be previously registered to the website. First he must fill the fields in the relative data card with his company’s data and specify his email address and a password. At the end of this procedure he will receive an email, informing him that his account has been created. After that, TACHO HELLAS will check the accuracy and reliability of the entered data and a second email will be sent to the customer address, as soon as there will be a verification that the customer owns an official workshop. As soon as the customer receives this confirming email he will be able to log in to the full website’s operation by using the email address and password he already had specified in the data card.  

The customer may select from the provided list products and quantities and add them to the order cart. This cart is always accessible and the customer can check the content before completing the order.

At any time before the customer clicks to confirm an order, it is possible to check and correct any inaccurate information. As soon as the “CONFIRM ORDER” button is pressed, the procedure for sending the order is initialized. By clicking the "CONFIRM ORDER" button, the order is sent to TACHO HELLAS. Any order sent in this manner must be considered, for all purposes, as a contractual offer from the customer.

Upon receiving the order, TACHO HELLAS will send an automatic email, informing that the order has been received. The email will include the data entered by the customer, who is responsible to verify if everything is ok and promptly communicate with TACHO HELLAS for any corrections. The customer will be solely liable for possible additional expenses as a result of data errors that not promptly reported.

By confirming the order, the customer acknowledges that has examined and accepted without reservation the conditions, privacy and cookies policy.

Receipt of the order does not constitute acceptance of the customer’s offer to purchase but only confirms that the order was received and the process of verifying data and the availability of the products is underway.

By presenting the products on the website TACHO HELLAS only invites website users to make an offer to purchase. This invitation is not binding on TACHO HELLAS, as the company has full discretion to decide whether to accept the offers or not. The sales agreement is considered concluded when a separate email accepting the customer’s purchase offer is sent to the email address that the customer indicates.

TACHO HELLAS has the power to accept or decline received orders. If an order is declined, the customer may not assert any rights or claims against the company for any reason. The order will be considered accepted, and the agreement thus concluded when the customer receives an “Order Acceptance” email at the email address, containing the order number which must be used in all subsequent correspondence with TACHO HELLAS.

Applicable Law - Jurisdiction

All transactions through are governed by Greek law, European Law and the relevant international treaties.

The Courts of Thessaloniki are competent for the resolution of any disputes. TACHO HELLAS and customer also agree that all relationships are based on the Greek language, which is the official language.

The website and its content are governed by Greek law, European Law and the relevant international treaties. Any dispute shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction The Courts of Thessaloniki.

The above terms and conditions as well as any amendment, change or alteration are governed and supplemented by Greek law, European law and the relevant international treaties. Any provision of the above terms that becomes contrary to the law, automatically ceases to be valid and is removed from this without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms. This is a comprehensive agreement between the website and the user of its pages and services and only binds them. Modification of these terms are not considered in force and are not part of this agreement unless they are made in writing form, and they are being incorporated in this agreement.


Only registered customers can have full access to products’ list and prices. TACHO HELLAS will support the customer during the registration phases. TACHO HELLAS will send a registration confirmation email to the registered customer email address. Registered customers must carefully read the general conditions and the terms and agreement conditions that will be displayed and may be printed during the registration process, including through pop-ups or hypertext links. The customer shall accept these terms and conditions by clicking the special box that indicates “I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy”. Customers acknowledge that they may save (print or download) this Agreement, including the relative General Conditions, any special conditions and all relative amendments in effect at the time. TACHO HELLAS shall have full and complete discretion not to authorize the user to register.

Shipping Expenses & Delivery Procedures

The cost of sending the products to the customer address is borne exclusively by the customer. The products are sent via a transport company to the address declared by the customer and are charged automatically during the online purchase process, depending on the place of delivery. Shipping costs are indicated and calculated during the order placement process before payment. In cases the customer wishes to select another transport company, this is possible by clicking the corresponding field in the shipping methods. TACHO HELLAS will send to the customer’s email the size of the box (length-width-height) and its weight. Then the customer will send the carrier of choice to the store of TACHO HELLAS to receive the parcel.

TACHO HELLAS will send the purchased product to the address the customer has indicated. If there is a failure to pick up the product and it was impossible to deliver the parcel to the indicated address, TACHO HELLAS will attempt to contact with the customer and request an alternative delivery address. If the customer does not cooperate for a period of six (6) days after the first delivery attempt, TACHO HELLAS has the absolute discretion to decide whether to consider the transaction cancelled and demand extra payment for returning costs, reserving also the right to demand compensation for any possible damages. TACHO HELLAS may assert its legal rights and any other legitimate right to sums not paid by the customer.

Transfer of Risk

TACHO HELLAS is not responsible for any anomaly during the shipping of the products, when they travel on behalf and at the responsibility of the customer.

TACHO HELLAS is not responsible for late delivery or non-delivery for reasons of force majeure, for example strikes, orders from the public authorities, fires, floods, or damage to machinery not attributable to TACHO HELLAS. In any case, TACHO HELLAS will promptly advise the customer when situations of force majeure arise and when they no longer exist.

The risk of damage and loss of the products is transferred to the customer upon delivery to the carrier, and no objections may be raised regarding the exterior characteristics of what was delivered. In this case, the customer must report any objections directly to the carrier.

When TACHO HELLAS is considered liable for any damage or claim for compensation arising from the product delivered, including any idle time and transport, this liability may not exceed the price paid for the purchase. In addition, TACHO HELLAS is not liable if proof is provided that the merchandise loss or damage was due to the intentional conduct or gross negligence of the carrier or its employees and representatives, or of any other party they used for transport purposes when these parties acted within their official capacities.


The sale prices displayed on the website do not include VAT. VAT is or is not added, according to the Legislation of the destination country. If the products have as destination a country outside EU, or country where there are additional taxes, duties, and levies applicable, the customer is responsible for all these extra charges. TACHO HELLAS may assert its legal rights and any other legitimate right to sums not paid by the customer. TACHO HELLAS is not responsible for the shipping of the products when the goods travel on behalf and at the responsibility of the customer.

TACHO HELLAS reserves the right to change the prices of the products at any time. Nevertheless, no price changes shall be applied for customers who have already made an order. All payments must be done through one of the methods that TACHO HELLAS offers. The customer shall pay for the products when the order has been accepted from TACHO HELLAS. It is agreed that if the order is not accepted, TACHO HELLAS will refund the customer for any sums that have already been paid. TACHO HELLAS has full and complete discretion to reject any other payment method.

Purchased products will be delivered to the address, indicated in the confirmation email which contains the order receipt. Delivery will be made by the transport company indicated by TACHO HELLAS and the customer accepts. Customer has also the right to choose “I will send my courier to receive the order” while processing the order. In such a case, the customer will be informed about the dimensions and weight of the parcel, in order to be able to arrange with the courier company of his choice, the receipt of his order. TACHO HELLAS reserves the right to refuse or not to execute the order, when it is intended for abroad or when the shipping address is in a different country than the one indicated at the invoice and/or in a different country from the place from which the payment was made.

TACHO HELLAS reserves the right to refuse or not to execute the order, in every case they decide to, for any reason. In such case, TACHO HELLAS will refund the customer for any sums that have already been paid and the customer will have no further demands.

Payments Procedures

Bank Transfer: you can complete your purchase by depositing a bank transfer, transferring the full payment amount to the following bank account.

Alpha Bank                                                                                     

IBAN: GR 9 4 0 1 4 0 7 2 2 0 7 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 7 6 9



Specially for Greece, there are further bank account abilities. Relative information can be found during the order procedure.

Products with guarantee

The products included in the product list are not products manufactured by TACHO HELLAS and they are only items for reselling reasons. Therefore, every product follows the guarantee terms of its manufacturer company.

As TACHO HELLAS resells products from several suppliers, for guarantee details about specific products, the customer can communicate with TACHO HELLAS by using the options in the “Contact us” area.

In case of a defective product for which a guarantee is provided, the customer has the right to ask for replacement. This can happen by following the “Return” procedure steps, described in the “Customer Rights” paragraph.  


Customer Rights

In case of a defective product, replacement of the spare part is provided, as long as the defect is certified after a technical inspection at the TACHO HELLAS headquarters.

The customer must send to TACHO HELLAS a warranty request through the website To activate the warranty, the request must indicate the product name, the product code, the order ID and the reason for return.

The customer has the right to change at any time the provided information. The customer has also the right to limit or cancel the use of this information as well as delete them permanently. The customer can contact for any reason with TACHO HELLAS at the email that can be found through the page

Return & Replacement

You have the right to return the products you have purchased and request their replacement a) in all cases in which, through the proven fault of TACHO HELLAS, incorrect products or products of poor and defective quality were sold and b) in all cases where there has been a problem / actual defect in the product (function or quality) which is covered by the product warranty and if the warranty has been given by TACHO HELLAS. This provision does not apply to products covered by third-party guarantees such as from the product manufacturer or its agent.

In addition, for all cases, the product to be replaced-repaired must necessarily be accompanied by the RMA document. For all the above cases, the products must be in the condition received by the customer, complete and undamaged. Before any return, it is recommended to consult with the online store of TACHO HELLAS. In any case, the return and replacement is possible only if the product has not been used.


TACHO HELLAS makes every effort to ensure that the information that it publishes is accurate and updated, but it cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information. The customer acknowledges that has the responsibility for the use of this information.

Although TACHO HELLAS strives to make the website useful and valuable, the information offered there is provided without warranty of any kind. TACHO HELLAS does not accept liability for any damage resulting from the customer use of the website. The information on TACHO HELLAS website is subject to type and programming errors. TACHO HELLAS has the right to correct these errors at any time. If the customers believe that something is incorrect, they have the right to inform TACHO HELLAS thereof.

TACHO HELLAS is not liable for:

-         errors or omissions of information published on the website,

-         losses (whether direct or indirect, material, or non-material) that may occur due to the access or use of the website, including accessibility, loss of data, deterioration, destruction or viruses that may affect the customer’s computer equipment,

-         damages of any kind because of the website use. The customer uses the website and transact undertaking any responsibility.

TACHO HELLAS does not guarantee the availability of the products but undertakes the responsibility to update it on time. TACHO HELLAS does not guarantee the absence of mistakes, errors, and interruptions. TACHO HELLAS is not liable for any damage caused by malware or any harmful components of the website and so it is not responsible for any kind of compensation.

Intellectual Property Rights

This website belongs to TACHO HELLAS. Intellectual property rights for all the elements of the website are protected by the legislation which is in force in Greek, European and worldwide level and belong to TACHO HELLAS.

By visiting you accept the Greek Copyright Legislation, the European Copyright Law and the International Conventions. All the content and files of the website are intellectual property of TACHO HELLAS except for the expressly mentioned exceptions (intellectual rights of third parties and collaborators). Text, graphics, files and software are protected by applicable trademark laws. Therefore, they may not be copied, reproduced, republished, or distributed for commercial use without the prior express and written consent of TACHO HELLAS.

All photographs and images included on the website come from the TACHO HELLAS media archives. All rights of reproduction are reserved. It is not allowed to use any of the content of the site without the prior express and written consent of TACHO HELLAS. Their appearance and display on the website and on the online store of TACHO HELLAS should not be taken as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them.

As far as the use of the website concerns, users and customers are authorized only to visit and view the website and its content. Users and customers are not authorized to make any reproduction of any part of the website and its content without the prior express and written consent of TACHO HELLAS.

User Responsibility

The users of the website agree that they will not use the website of TACHO HELLAS to send, publish, send by e-mail or transmit in other ways any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, defamatory or constitutes a violation of another's privacy.

Privacy policy

General: For any transaction between TACHO HELLAS and customers, the disclosure of customer personal information is much needed. By providing TACHO HELLAS with data, the customer declare that is over 18 years old. The disclosure is conducted in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679. TACHO HELLAS is the data administrator and is responsible for customer personal data. TACHO HELLAS has defined a responsible person for administrating customer data who’s email address is:

Requirements: TACHO HELLAS is not going to make any unfair or illegal use of customer personal data. TACHO HELLAS does not have the right to disclose, publish or sell the consumer personal information without a prior consent. TACHO HELLAS does not send, share, or present customer personal data to third parties for any reason. All the information that TACHO HELLAS collects is related only with the customer order. Any electronic correspondence between TACHO HELLAS and a customer is considered confidential and should not be transferred except for the cases required by law. The customer has the option of transmitting personal data through a contact form on the website and adding comments and requests in the relative box provided for this purpose. Under data protection laws, customer have the right to request, without any additional fee, access, correction, erasure, restriction, transfer, object to procession of their personal data, portability of their data and (where the lawful ground of processing is consent) withdraw consent. For this purpose, the customer needs only to send a request through email, along with the address and proof of identity to TACHO HELLAS. The customer is hereby notified that a moderator may delete any contribution that is not relevant to the website topics or editorial line, or whatever is against the law.

Kind of data collection: Personal data means any information capable of identifying an individual. It does not include anonymized data. TACHO HELLAS processes the following categories of customer personal data:

Communication Data: data about any communication with TACHO HELLAS through the contact form on website, through email, text, social media messaging, social media posting or any other relative communication. TACHO HELLAS processes this data only for the purposes of communicating with customer, for record keeping and for the establishment, pursuance or defense of legal claims. Company’s lawful ground for this processing is our legitimate interests which in this case are to reply to communications sent to TACHO HELLAS, to keep records and to establish, pursue or defend legal claims.

User Data: data about how users/customers use the website and any online services together with any data that customers post for publication on the website or through other online services. TACHO HELLAS processes this data to operate its website and ensure relevant content is provided to customers, to ensure the security of the website, to maintain back- ups of and/or databases and to enable publication and administration of the website, other online services and business. Company’s lawful ground for this processing is its legitimate interests which in this case are to enable the company to properly administer its website.

Technical Data: data about how customers use the website and online services such as IP address, login data, details about the number of times a customer uses the website, details about customer’s browser, length of visit to pages on the website, page views and navigation paths, time zone settings and other technology on the devices a customer use to access to the website. This data comes from analytics tracking system. TACHO HELLAS processes this data to analyze the use of the website and other online services, to administer and protect our business and website, to deliver relevant website content and advertisements to customers and to understand the effectiveness of the advertising. Company’s lawful ground for this processing is its legitimate interests which in this case are to enable the company to properly administer its website and business, to grow its business and decide its marketing strategy.

Marketing Data: data about customers preferences in receiving marketing information from TACHO HELLAS and its third parties and customer communication preferences. TACHO HELLAS processes this data to enable customers to partake in company’s promotions, to deliver relevant website content and advertisements to customers and measure or understand the effectiveness of this advertising. Company’s lawful ground for this processing is its legitimate interests which in this case are to study how customers use the products/services, to develop them, to grow its business and decide its marketing strategy.

TACHO HELLAS may use Customer Data, User Data, Technical Data and Marketing Data to deliver relevant website content and advertisements to customers (including Facebook adverts or other display advertisements) and to measure or understand the effectiveness of the advertising the company serves customers.

Sensitive Data: TACHO HELLAS does not collect any Sensitive Data about customers. Sensitive data refers to data that includes details about race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about health and genetic and bio-metric data. TACHO HELLAS does not collect any information about criminal convictions and offenses.

Marketing Communications: Under the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations, TACHO HELLAS may send you marketing communications if (i) you made a purchase or asked for information from the company about its goods or services or (ii) the customer agreed to receive marketing communications and, in each case, has not opted out of receiving such communications since. Under these regulations, if the customer is a limited company, TACHO HELLAS may send you marketing emails without consent. However, the customer can still opt out of receiving marketing emails at any time.

International Transfers: Countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) do not always offer the same levels of protection to customer personal data, so European law has prohibited transfers of personal data outside of the EEA unless the transfer meets certain criteria.

Data Retention: TACHO HELLAS will only retain customer personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes it collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

Warranties: TACHO HELLAS assures that will exhaust every technical and organizational data protection measure and will only make the optimal, minimal and absolutely necessary use and processing of the data as defined by law and strictly and exclusively for the purpose for which the customers have made it available to the company.


Cookies are text files with small pieces of data that are used to identify customers computer as they use a computer network. Specific cookies are used to identify specific users and improve their web browsing experience. Data stored in a cookie is created by the server upon customer connection. This data is labeled with an ID unique to customer and their computer. When the cookie is exchanged between their computer and the network server, the server reads the ID and knows what information to specifically serve to them.

This information is maintained for a maximum of thirteen (12) months.

It is possible for users to prevent the creation of cookies by configuring their browser accordingly. However, the refusal to accept the cookies may prevent the user from accessing to certain services.


The website may contain hyperlinks to other sites of which TACHO HELLAS is not related. The user of the website has been informed and acknowledges that TACHO HELLAS do not control these third-party websites and is not responsible for their privacy statements. Also, it is not responsible for the lack of availability of such sites and does not examine, control, approve or hold liability for the content, advertising, products, software, malware, or any other elements of these websites. Consequently, the user has the absolute liability for the use of these hyperlinks.


The user has the ability of receiving updates (newsletters) by subscribing to the update lists. The update lists of are the intellectual property of the website administrators of TACHO HELLAS. If a customer has chosen to receive informational e-mails from and no longer wishes to receive them, may contact the company to remove the e-mail from the mailing lists.

Customers may contact TACHO HELLAS at the for all the details that are listed on the website.


For any reason, users and customers might contact TACHO HELLAS as mentioned below:



VAT: EL998907915



P.O. 57009

TEL: +302310755325



This is the sticky Notification module. You can use it for any message such as cookie notices, special promotions, or any other important text.